Many of the chicken jerky treats that you can buy from pet stores and supermarkets are made in China and have been found harmful to pets. If your pet loves chicken jerky, there’s no reason to deny them. Here’s a recipe for making your own. Recipe: Slice chicken into thin strips, about 1/8-1/4 inches along […]
Cats with diabetes should be fed a low-carbohydrate diet. After changing your cat’s diet, you will need to consult your vet about the possibility of lowering his insulin dosage so you don’t end up with a hypoglycemic crisis. All drastic diet changes should be made in consultation with a vet. Squashed Turkey 1/2 Cup Chicken […]
The following recipe is for any pets who are debilitated and refuse food. Nourishing Bone Marrow Soup Cook a 2-3 lbs., preferably organic, chicken with bones. When done, de-bone. Cover bones barely with water. Add 1-2 tablespoons of vinegar or lemon juice and 2-3 cups of mixed carrots, celery, squash (the acids in the vegetables […]