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HSUS Reports on Polar Bears
The Humane Society of the United States report – In 2008 the Polar Bear was listed by the Bush Administration as threatened with extinction under the Endangered Species Act. Two weeks later, Safari Club International and other trophy hunting groups filed a federal lawsuit to reopen American borders to the import of sport-hunted polar bear […]
Purse Pets
Small dogs have always been popular, especially with royalty and other celebrities. They are the most pampered of pets. Small dogs are often seen being carried in special purses or slings, dressed for whatever the occasion warrants. But is all this pampering good for them and is it really what these purse-size pets enjoy? First […]
Spay/Neuter for Small Pets
The health benefits of spay/neuter for small pets such as rabbits, guinea pigs, rats and mice are many. They include eliminating uterine, ovarian and testicular cancers, reduce mammary tumors, prevent pyometra, a severe uterine infection, decreased territory marking and generally mellower behavior typically towards cage mates. Since there is a risk with any surgery, it’s […]