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Bird Education
With the support of a $10,000 grant from the Pet Care Trust, the American Federation of Aviculture (AFA) has completed the development of its Fundamentals of Aviculture Level II online course. This course, along with the Level I course, are designed to provide the basics of avian physiology and care. According to Rick Jordan of […]
Dogs vs. Cats
Some people are naturally “dog people” or “cat people,” meaning that they naturally gravitate to one or the other. Others may like both equally and be unsure which would make a better pet for them. This article analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of cats and dogs so you can make a decision based on your […]
Your Health
Pets can have an effect on your health. On the positive side, caring for a pet has many health benefits, both psychologically and physically. However, there are also some health risks to owning a pet. This page contains resources which tell you about the health benefits of caring for a pet, how you can safeguard […]