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Bird Education
With the support of a $10,000 grant from the Pet Care Trust, the American Federation of Aviculture (AFA) has completed the development of its Fundamentals of Aviculture Level II online course. This course, along with the Level I course, are designed to provide the basics of avian physiology and care. According to Rick Jordan of […]
Australian Anemonefish
Anemonefish can be found in Australia‘s famous Great Barrier Reef. Although their predators get stung by the Anemone, the Anemonefish can live quite happily next to the Anemone. They are a hardy fish but rarely imported. The males are 2 3/8 inches and the females are 3 1/2 in. This fish will get along with […]
Sara and Angel Tigger
We lost our Westie Tigger to bladder cancer at age 8 1/2, October 11, 2007. Since we lost Tigs, I’ve had little “happenings”, but nothing big. Seeing a flash of white dog out of the corner of my eye (when Pooh’s nowhere close to me), feeling a “bed bounce” like when Tigs used to jump […]