As social networks like Facebook and MySpace have changed the way people communicate, the pet world has developed its own social networks. A social network is a web-based service that allows individuals to construct a profile, connect to other users’ profiles and browse their connections and other user profiles within the system. Social networks allow people to create communities online, either with friends or with strangers who share a common interest.
The Pet Wiki is of course a prime example of a social network about pets. A wiki is a collaborative website, where users share their knowledge. This is the place to come and share your wisdom with the world as well as to learn new things. In order to take advantage of all the services offered by The Pet Wiki, all you have to do is register and you get to be part of a vibrant community of people with similar interests.
One of the great things about wikis is that new articles are constantly being added and existing ones are continually updated, so there is always something new on the website! When you see something you think should be changed or added to, you can easily edit any page. If you are more ambitious and want to write an article from scratch, you can do that too.
In order to enhance your social experience on The Pet Wiki, you can take advantage of our social profiles and message boards. The Community Forum is a great way to share your experiences and get advice about all things pets. There are also sub-forums devoted specifically to dogs, cats and birds.
When you log in to the website, you will be assigned a profile which you can enhance with information about yourself and your pets. You can become friends with other users and communicate directly with them.
If you are interested in getting the latest news and best information about pets on Twitter, you can follow The Pet Wiki. The Pet Wiki also has a blog (well, it’s really Omer’s blog…) called Omer’s Scratching Post where you can read about and comment on the latest exploits of Omer the cat and his furry and human friends. The Pet Wiki can also be found at Facebook, where you can read the latest articles, view our videos and participate in the conversation.
There are also social networks where you can create a profile for your pet and upload pictures and videos and share stories. For example, if you have a dog you can join Dogster and if you are a cat owner, there is a social network called Catster.