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Blowfish and Pufferfish Toxicity
Blowfish and Pufferfish carry a deadly toxin. Called Tetrodotoxin, it is an extremely potent poison and is stored in the skin and internal organs of the fish. Affecting the nervous system, Tetrodotoxin continues to be poisonous when the fish is dead. Even eating a small amount of these fish can be deadly. While Blowfish and […]
Leptospirosis is a zoonotic disease that affects dogs, horses, humans and livestock and rarely show signs in cats. Leptospirosis can cause horses to abort. It is spread through contaminated water, urine, contact bites, sometimes food or bedding. It is more prevalant in warm weather and temperate climates. The bacteria enters the bloodstream through mucous membranes […]
HSUS – More News on Sharks
The Chinese recently celebrated 15 days of their year 4709, the Year of the Dragon and only a small minority of people chose to serve shark fin soup. According to the HSUS, the tide is turning in favor of the sharks. The Hong Kong-based luxury hotel group, Shangri-La, announced it will stop serving shark fin […]