Non-Surgical Diagnosis for Equine Lameness

Dr. David Frisbie, who is a world-renowned equine orthopedic surgeon, has pioneered a new method to diagnosis lameness in horses. It is Biovision’s 1.2 mm. Micro-Invasive Needle View Arthroscope.

With its use, general anesthesia is unnecessary, only sedation and a local to block any pain. Another advantage is that the arthroscope can be used in the horse stall. This non-surgical method makes precise diagnoses of meniscus tears, lesions, cartilage damage, cruciate ligament tears and lesions, floating joint fragments cysts. Besides its use to determine problems of the stifle, it is also effective for diagnosis of problems in other joints – carpus, cervical vertebrae, coffin, fetlock, hock, navicular bursa and shoulder.

It is affordable and presently being used in several countries worldwide besides the U.S. Check with Biovision for more information on the new arthroscope.

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