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Small Munsterlander
What is the origin of the Small Munsterlander? Also known as the Kleine Munsterlander, this breed comes from the Munster region of Germany. The breed is more than 500 years old. It’s excellent hunting abilities made it a breed for the nobility only. However, as of August 1919, the Weimar Constitution recognized all Germans as […]
Lizards can be interesting and exciting pets. If you’re just getting started in the world of lizards, this article will give you some tips to get you going. Before adopting a lizard, be aware that although lizards may be inexpensive, the equipment they need will raise the price considerably. Some lizards may grow into very […]
Can I find out what kind of puppy I adopted?
You can ask the people at the place where you adopted the puppy. There are places where you can submit DNA which will tell you what kind of dog it is. You can compare your puppy with others and see if they share the same characteristics. You can ask your veterinarian. Facebook Comments Box