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Kucing Malaysia Cat
Vital Statistics: Place of Origin: Malaysia Coat Type: short Color: Siamese points, tortie, agouti, seal brown, blue, chocolate, lilac, red, cream, all with white, white blaze on face and muzzle. Temperament: loving and friendly What is the origin of the Kucing Malaysia Cat? The Kucing Malaysia is a relatively young breed and may still be […]
Asian Water Monitor
The Asian Water Monitor (varanus salvator) is a challenge to keep as pet even for herpers used to handling lizards. Herpers are people involved with reptiles and amphibians. It comes from the word herpetology which is the study of reptiles and amphibians. This lizard’s native habitat is southern Asia from India east to the […]
Do You Know Your Dog’s Scent
While our dogs and cats too have powerful “scentsabilities” and can locate us in crowds of people, how well can we recognize our furpals by their smell? Research conducted at Queens University in Ireland with 26 dog owner participating showed surprising results. In one of the tests, using blankets given to them, the owners were […]