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Doggie Treadmills – Are They Good
Ask two people what they think of treadmills for dogs and you’ll get opposing opinions. Of course there’s not much more that’s exciting for a dog than being out in the fresh air unless it’s being there with his/her best friend. The best exercise for a dog is a good, long walk, a romp in […]
There are many species of Tarantula available as pets. Housing and care very for the over 800 different species, so you must have information on the particular species you would like to own. The most popular is the Chilian Rose, native to Chile. They are hardy and easier to care for than some other species […]
Dogs and Mud Puddles
We all love our dogs and spring. But spring is also a time when the ground thaws out and makes mudpuddles. And in this case, your dog can drink from them. Besides being unsightly, it could also lead to illness. But there are ways to prevent it, notably: Give the dog a drink before you […]