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Dickin Medal for Animal War Heroes
During World War II, a British woman named Maria Dickin felt that animals should be rewarded for their courage and service during wartime. Appalled at the living conditions of the poor in London’s East End, Ms. Dickin, a wealthy socialite was even more concerned for the animals living there. Conditions were even worse for the […]
Calcium and Home-cooked Diets
Calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and other trace minerals are diet necessities in order to maintain the good health of joints, bones and teeth. Bones are a great source of calcium. But home-cooked diets should contain bones. Cooked bones become soft and sliver or whole bones can pose major dangers as they travel through your pet’s system. […]
Insects as the Protein in Pet Food
Before you say “yuck”, think of this – almost one-third of the world’s human population include insects in their diets. Protein as well as Omega 3 found in insects are almost equal in amount to those in fish and meat. Many factors in the world today are putting a strain on the supply of meat […]