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Potential Life-saving Dog Collar
Named “The Dog Caller,” this collar has a SIM card, thermistor to monitor temperatures around the dog, LEDs and a coded chip. This new high-tech collar could warn you when your dog is overheating. When temperatures reach a point that is too high for safety, a signal is sent to you, the owner, alerting you […]
Fraidy Cats
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Irish Wolfhound
Vital Statistics: Place of Origin: Ireland Group: Sighthound Height: males 33-36 in., females 30-34 in. Weight: 100-150 lbs. Life span: 6-8 yrs. Trainability: high Good with children: yes Good with other pets: yes with early socialization What is the origin of the Irish Wolfhound? The huge, dignified Irish Wolfhound hunted with Ireland’s kings and queens. […]