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Choosing the Right Cat Food
Cats are obligate (strict) carnivores, that is they are meat eaters with low carbohydrate needs. Cats can also be very fussy eaters – what pleases one will make the other turn up his/her nose. The cat’s stomach and intestines are smaller than dogs and most other animals which is why they need high protein diets. […]
African Pygmy Dormice
Contents 1 Appearance and personality 2 Cage and Habitat 3 Feeding 4 Handling 5 Video 6 External Websites Appearance and personality These little creatures are collequially known as micro squirrels and sometimes as the African Dwarf Dormouse, or Woodland Dormouse. Body length is about 9cm with a bushy tail at approximately 7cm. An average weight […]
Pet Crates and Car Safety
The Center for Pet Safety (CPS) has been testing crates and small dog carriers including those of manufacturers who claim that their product is crash-tested. It should be noted that the CPS uses canine dummies for the tests, created by duplicating the weights and sizes of different dogs. In the 2015 crash-worthiness testing by CPS […]