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A Cow’s Social Standing
We know that cats, dogs, birds, horses, to name a few of our pets, have their own individually defined personalities. So why not cows! Researchers say yes. That’s no surprise to dairy farmers who spend enough time with their cows to be able to tell you who’s the boss, which ones are friendly and which […]
ASPCA-Massachusetts Law Ends Use of Gas Chambers
Friday, August 3, 2012, the ASPCA announced that Massachusetts has passed a law ending the use of gas chambers to euthanize animals in that State. The new law also includes: A Statewide spay/neuter program to reduce number of homeless animals; New requirements for training of animal control officers; Improves existing dangerous dog laws to ensure […]
Aegean cat
Vital Statistics: Place of Origin: Greece Coat Type: semi-longhaired, thicker at ruff and tail Color: bi-or tri-colored always with white Temperament: active, intelligent, communicative Cat of the Month for February A Greek native, this cat is their best method of pest control. What is the origin of the Aegean Cat? The Aegean cat is a […]