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10 Reasons to Adopt a Black Dog
Sadly, black dogs are often overlooked when people go to a shelter to adopt. Their color has nothing to do with their personalities and they make as good pets as those of other colors. Here are some cute reasons why one should consider adopting a black dog. 10. Black dogs are easy to find in […]
FoA Opposition to Egg Bill
Friends of Animals (FoA) advises that the Humane Farming Association in California (HFA) announced it plans to escalate its campaign to stop “Egg Products Inspection Act Amendments of 2012”, HR3798. Bradley Miller, National Director of the HFA said, “The egg industry is seeking to establish egg factory cages as a national standard that could never […]
Why is my pet refusing to eat?
Is your pet normally a chow hound? If your pet is refusing food, the first thing to do is check for signs of illness. Does your pet have diarrhea or vomiting? Is your pet drinking enough water? If you suspect that your pet is ill, then a trip to the vet is necessary. If your […]