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Cat Shows
Cat shows, while not as well-known as dog shows, are still pretty popular. The first modern cat show took place in London in 1871. The Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) has been running cat shows in the U.S. since 1906. Cat shows work in a similar fashion to dog shows. Each breed of cats has its […]
Pets at Religious Services
Can you take your pooch to church or synagogue? A growing number of religious institutions are starting to include pets in their services. For instance, St. Francis Episcopal Church in Stamford, Connecticut has a special service which includes pets. The service is geared to those whose pets are a central part of their lives, and […]
Are You Ready For A Parrot
Parrots are highly intelligent, colorful in more ways than one, interesting birds. As pets they can be very loving and attentive. But before you rush out to purchase a parrot, make sure to research your choice thoroughly and learn what their needs are and determine if it is the right pet for you. Small birds […]