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Why Dogs Sniff Butts
We’ve all been embarrassed at times with our dog’s actions and sniffing butts is high on that list. Of course this behavior is perfectly normal to our dogs and an acceptable greeting to them. Butts and yes, crotches too, give a dog lots of information about the “smellee.” These areas have highly concentrated odors. A […]
Birds That Eat Nut Shells
Nuts are a healthy treat for birds. They are packed with protein, vitamins and minerals and essential fats. Nuts provide exercise and fun for birds who are able to break open the shells and get to the meat. But the problem arises when your bird thinks the shell is food. Most birds toss the shells […]
Dust Mite Allergies
Dust mites, micrscopic insects, have no season. They are with us all year, every year. They affect humans as well as pets. Dust mites feed on dead skin, viruses, bacteria and fungi. The dead skin of allergic mammals is particularly tasty to them. Dust mites have translucent bodies. They live in carpeting, upholstery, bedding, clothing, […]