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Fish Families
Water covers over three-quarters of the earth’s surface and fish are the most numerous of the vertebrates. There are about 31,500 species of fish and they are classified by physical characteristics, habitat, behavior etc. List of fish families: Damselfish Dottyback Tang Wrasse Facebook Comments Box
Automatic Feeders for Fish
Fish generally need to be fed once a day. They should not be overfed and shouldn’t miss meals either. If you are on vacation and away from your aquarium, one solution is to use an automatic feeder. An automatic feeder should not be used to feed your fish on a regular basis, since it can’t […]
History of Pet Fish
Fish were kept as pets already in ancient times. The ancient Egyptians kept fish both as a source of food and for entertainment. Their hieroglyphics depict Tilapia species and Mormyrids. The Chinese began to breed goldfish (from carp) in the 10th century. Goldfish were introduced to Europe at the end of the 18th century. In […]