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ASPCA Cat and Dog of the Year
The 2013 ASPCA Humane Awards luncheon was held in New York City November 21st. The awards are given to animals and people who have made a positive and lasting impact during the year. The ASPCA Cat of the Year is Koshka, a stray. Koshka and Staff Sgt. Jesse Knott found each other in Afghanistan where […]
Scribbled Angelfish
Scribbled Angelfish are common in large public aquariums and less commonly kept as pets. However, they can be very friendly and will even eat from a human’s hand once they have become comfortable in their new home. Males are 11 in., females slightly smaller. They are native to Northern Australia and Indonesia. Because they are […]
Kangaroos as Pets
Kangaroos are native to Australia where they are the national symbol. In the rest of the world, they are mainly seen in zoos. There are people, hopefully few in number, who keep them as pets. If you’re thinking of choosing a cute little kangaroo as a pet, here are some things you should know. Male […]