Through the years, horses have served man willingly, but man has not always treated horses as the loyal companion they are. Horse lovers around the world have advocated for their welfare. We thank them for their diligent efforts on behalf of all horses.
Here are a list of articles having to do with Horse Welfare
- ASPCA-Ban Racehorse Drugging
- ASPCA-Horse Slaughter Vote Alert
- ASPCA – Stop Horse Slaughter
- Anna Sewell
- Endangered Horses
- Feral Horse and Burro Roundups
- FoA-Ban on NYC Horse-Drawn Carriages
- HSUS-Stronger Horse Soring Rules
- HSUS – "Soring" Horses
- HSUS Investigation of Horse Soring
- HSUS News on Horse Slaughter
- Horse-Drawn Carriages
- Horse Breeding
- Horse Conservation
- Horse Diving Shows
- Horse Meat Controversy in Canada
- Horse Racing
- Horse Racing Endings
- Kentucky Derby Losers
- Olympic Equestrian Sports
- Rodeos
- Second Careers for Racehorses
- Urgent – ASPCA and Horses
- War Horse (Movie)