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Should Horses Wear Shoes
Shoeing horses seems to be a controversial subject with strong opinions on both the pro side and the con side. Actually, whether to shoe a horse or not depends on the horse, the activities, the horse’s physical condition, the terrain the horse runs on. Many people who are against shoeing cite the fact that wild […]
Eyelid Disorders in Horses
Following are some of the eyelid disorders that can occur in horses. With all diseases, early diagnosis and treatment can have a positive outcome. Eyelid Lacerations – These are common with horses and usually heal. If surgery is necessary to repair a laceration, it can lusually be performed under local anesthesia. Entropion and Ectropion – […]
Do Horses Vomit
When horses eat, the food is swallowed and passes down the esophagus into the stomach. There is a strong band of muscle called the cardiac sphincter around the esophagus at the stomach entrance. While all mammals have the cardiac sphincter which is a valve, it is different in horses for these reasons. It is extremely […]