Help is out there for people who can’t pay for vet bills

Cat at the Vet

As many Americans are dealing with terrible financial times right now, it’s good to know the Humane Society of the United States is trying to make sure no pet goes without the proper health care. They have listed some tips to help everyone struggling to make ends meet, find alternative options to pay for their pets’ vet visits if they can’t foot the entire bill right now. Here are a few of the items they list. Check out the full list in detail at their website

  1. Work with veterinarians
    1. Negotiate a payment plan with your vet.
    2. Offer to perform a service for your vet like cleaning kennels, answering phones or other work in lieu of actual cash.
    3. Get a second opinion.
    4. Use a vet in a less expensive area.
    5. Check out local veterinary schools.
  2. Credit Problems: Apply for a Care Credit account instead of a normal credit card.
  3. Apply for financial assistance: There are many animal welfare organizations that can help out with vet bills, either with low-cost care, loans, or grants. Here are a few:
    1. Dog breed-specific veterinary care assistance programs.
    2. Veterinary care assistance for working and service dogs.

Again, you can check out details to this list as well as some extra resources The Humane Society suggests for assistance to those in need. Hope this helps just one pet!

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