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Holiday Gifts for Your Pet
The Holidays are almost here and celebrations and shopping for gifts is in the air. We pet lovers want to include our furpals in the festivities, so here are a few ideas for pet presents. If your dog is a “terminator” who destroys toys in a matter of minutes, try some of these: Orbie-Tuff Orbie […]
What pet is right for me?
What pet should I choose? Here are some tips to help you choose your own pet and make both yourself and your pet happy. Contents 1 Dogs 1.1 Advantages 1.2 Disadvantages 2 Cats 2.1 Advantages 2.2 Disadvantages 3 Birds (parrots, canaries, etc) 3.1 Advantages 3.2 Disadvantages 4 Turtles 4.1 Advantages 4.2 Disadvantages 5 Rabbits 5.1 […]
Dog Prebiotics: VIYO
Viyo is a prebiotic drink that helps to reinforce the natural resistance of cats and dogs. Viyo can be best compared with Actimel or Yakult for humans. As with humans, 70% of the natural defence system of a dog or cat is located in the intestines. Healthy intestinal functioning is therefore crucial to strong resistance. […]