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Recipes for Dogs with Arthritis and Other Immune Deficiency Diseases
Baked Salmon 4 Cups Salmon or Tuna 3 eggs 1/l2 Cup grated carrot 1/4-1/2 Cup mixed greens 1/2 Cup grated cheese Bake salmon or tuna and shred or if using canned, mash. Mix together with eggs, carrots and greens. Place in baking dish, sprinkle grated cheese on top. Bake until eggs are done, 10-15 minutes, […]
A cancer diagnosis in your pet can be extremely frightening. Companion animals live longer than they did in the past, so the number of pets contracting cancer has risen as well. At the same time, research into animal cancer has advanced, and many animals survive cancer and live a quality life. Early detection and proper […]
Cats and 9 Lives – Myth or Fact?
Because cats have such keen senses and often survive situations that other animals might not, they were thought to have many lives. The origin of the myth of nine lives however is a bit cloudy. Brewers Dictionary of Phrase and Fable explains the myth of a cat’s nine lives because it’s hold on life is […]