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Spay/Neuter for Small Pets
The health benefits of spay/neuter for small pets such as rabbits, guinea pigs, rats and mice are many. They include eliminating uterine, ovarian and testicular cancers, reduce mammary tumors, prevent pyometra, a severe uterine infection, decreased territory marking and generally mellower behavior typically towards cage mates. Since there is a risk with any surgery, it’s […]
FDA Approves Life-Saving Drug for Horses
The FDA has approved the drug, Equidone Gel (domperidone) for the prevention of life-threatening fescue toxicosis. This disease can cause serious reproductive problems in horses. Fescue is a type of grass that covers over 35 million acres of pastureland in the U. S. There is a fungus (neolyphodium coenophialum) that lives on the grass and […]
HSUS – Humane Management
The HSUS informs us that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has taken a step to protect free-roaming horses and burros and other animals. The EPA has announced the official registration of the first contraceptive vaccine for horses in the United States. The vaccine is known as ZonaStat-H or procine zone pellucida, PZP. The HSUS, sponsors […]