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Giving Pets as Gifts
It’s holiday time or your best friend’s birthday. You know the joy of sharing your life with a pet and would like to give that joy to someone special. But before you rush out to choose that pet, there are important considerations. A pet is a living being and represents a commitment for years, some […]
A mule is an animal sired by a female horse and a male donkey. Although mules have a reputation for being stubborn, it is really a sign of their intelligence. Mules are cautious and can’t be forced into doing anything they don’t want to do. They will not allow themselves to be worked to death, […]
How snakes shed their skin
Like many of their furry counterparts and even humans, snakes also shed. However, unlike many other animals, they shed their skin all at once. This process is called ecsdysis and normally happens around once a month, though it can vary depending on such factors as age, humidity and health. Younger snakes might shed more often […]