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How Do Dogs and Cats Sweat
Dogs don’t sweat as we do. They cool their bodies by panting. Oxygen enters the body through the open mouth, cooling their bodies. The evaporation of moisture on the tongue helps to reduce body temperature. Dogs can also reduce body temperature by dilating their facial and ear blood vessels. This allows the blood vessels to […]
Greens for Your Dog
While cats are obligate carnivores and can do without a bunch of green stuff in their diet, what about dogs. Actually dogs can do with a little greening in their meals. Lets look at the reasons. Plants contain a substance called chlorophyl that allows them to absorb energy from sunlight. Except for one atom, chlorophyl […]
Importance of Urinalysis
Waste products are removed from the body through urination. The kidneys are the filters and pass waste through the ureter into the bladder. Urine is stored in the bladder until the body excretes it through the urethra. It’s important to note the color of the urine. Clear to light yellow is considered normal. If your […]