Taking care of a blind dog may require making some changes, but is not as difficult as you may think.
Before taking on the care of a blind dog or even if your dog is gradually losing its sight, decide where you want to place your furniture. At first your dog may bump into things, but eventually it will learn the setup and walk about your house as if sighted. However, be aware if you make changes your blind dog needs time to adjust.
Try not to leave things like toys lying on the floor that will injure your dog or disrupt its pathway.
Staircases should have a barrier to prevent accidents.
If you have to go out and leave your dog alone for any length of time, it might be a good idea to put your dog in its kennel. This will give your dog a sense of security when you are not home. You’ll worry less too.
Your garden/yard must be fenced and should be kept free of obstacles as well. Any outdoor furniture should remain in place. Garden tools should be put away where your dog won’t stumble on them and injure itself.
Pools are especially dangerous places for blind dogs. Pools should be fenced in and the gate locked unless you are there to supervise. This holds true for sighted dogs too. Dogs know how to swim, but blind dogs have difficulty with direction and can panic and easily drown before finding an escape route.
Your blind dog (or any pet) should not be left outdoors without supervision for long periods of time.
You can train your blind dog using your voice and using touch methods.
Caring for a blind dog is really not difficult, especially when you add tons of love given and received.
Just a note: I have a 16 year old blind dog that gets around my house and fenced in garden with no problems. Visitors aren’t even aware that she is blind.