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Greens for Your Dog
While cats are obligate carnivores and can do without a bunch of green stuff in their diet, what about dogs. Actually dogs can do with a little greening in their meals. Lets look at the reasons. Plants contain a substance called chlorophyl that allows them to absorb energy from sunlight. Except for one atom, chlorophyl […]
Talking Mynah
Where does the Mynah come from? The Mynah is native to Ceylon and India and have even been seen in Indonesia. In India, the Mynah is thought of as sacred. Greater Hill Mynahs and Java Hill Mynahs are the most popular of the species as they are the best talkers. What does the Mynah look […]
Cat Heroes
Animals have proven to be some of the best medicine for people with health problems, physical and psychological handicaps. There are many stories of dog heroes, but cats have also shown to be brave and and are able to perform life-saving feats voluntarily. These stories of cat heroes were found on the Purina pet food […]