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Carpenter’s Flasher Wrasse
The Carpenter’s Flasher Wrasse is found the the Philippines, Indonesia and other parts of the Western Pacific. It is also known as the Red Fin Flasher Wrasse. Males are 3.1 in., females are 2.5 in. Dottybacks, other Wrasses, Damsels, and Dwarf Angelfish may consider this fish an interloper. The minimum tank size is 46 gal. […]
Overcoming Fear of Dogs in Children
Many children have a fear of dogs. While being wary around dogs make sense, children who are extremely frightened of dogs may have a hard time going to the park or visiting a friend who has a dog. Fear of dogs is sometimes triggered by an event, such as a dog jumping on a child […]
Why Cats Lick
If you’ve ever been licked by a cat, you’ve experienced the roughness of the tongue, almost like sandpaper. A cat’s tongue is covered with barbs called papillae that face backwards and cause the rough sensation. The barbs are made of seratin, a substance found in human fingernails. The barbs serve a number of purposes. Cats […]