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Humbug Aruanus
The Humbug Aruanus is also called the Humbug Dasyllus and Striped Damselfish. It is found in tropical Indo-Pacific from the Red Sea to Southern Australia. This fish is hardy and inexpensive and thus a good choice for a beginner. Males are 4 in., females 3.1 in. Wrasses or other Damsels can be aggressive. The minimum […]
Home Hazards to Pet Birds
In a recent alert, we warned about fumes from teflon-coated pots and pans. But there are other hazards in your home that can harm your bird. Birds have very sensitive respiratory tracts and just a small whiff of something harmful or play with some objects can prove fatal. Here are some hazards to be on […]
Treating Burns in Pets
Burns to pets can be caused several ways – accidentally spilling hot or caustic liquids on pets, pets biting electric wires, even extreme cold. There are three degrees of burns: First degree, where the skin will be painful to touch, red, and may blister Second degree, where in addition to pain, the skin will turn […]