Cat Breeds Turkish Cats

Turkish Van

Vital Statistics: Place of Origin: Turkey Coat Type: long, silky, soft Color: red, cream, blue, black, tortoiseshell, all with white Temperament: gentle, affectionate, usually bonds with 1 person, trainable, good with other pets Where does the Turkish Van come from? The Turkish Van is a breed of cat originated from the lake of Van in […]

Cat Breeds Turkish Cats

Turkish Angora

Vital Statistics: Place of Origin: Turkey Coat Type: medium long, soft, silky, no undercoat Color: white, black, blue, black smoke, blue smoke, tabby patterns Temperament: affectionate, curious, intelligent, like water & bathing Where does the Turkish Angora come from? The first long-haired cats to appear in Europe were from Angora, now Ankara, Turkey. The Angoras […]