Fish Families


Dottybacks are a family of small tropical and subtropical fish native to the coral reefs of the Indo-Pacific. They are brightly colored and popular with aquarists. Dottybacks do better in large tanks with live rock but can also thrive in smaller aquariums. They are territorial and each one needs plenty of swimming room and hiding […]

Fish Families


Damselfishes are an extremely important group of coral reef fishes. Most are marine, but a few species inhabit the lower stretches of rivers in freshwater. Damselfish are usually brightly colored. Their diet includes small crustaceans, plankton, and algae. They should not be kept with Butterflyfish, Clownfish, Groupers, Lionfish. They are easy fish to keep and […]

Fish Families


A wrasse is a family of marine fish native to the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans. They usually inhabit coral reefs and rocky shores. There are about 500 species of wrasse (making it the second largest fish family) and most of them are brightly colored. They are carnivores and feed on a variety of invertebrates. […]

Fish Families


Tangs, or surgeonfish, are popular because of their bold coloration and interesting body shapes. They are a marine fish and can be kept with most other types of fish. The name “surgeon” comes from its base tail fin appearance that resembles a scalpel, and is in fact very sharp. Some tangs can grow to be […]