Cat Health Dog Health

About Flea Collars

First, it’s important to understand how flea collars work. The majority of them discharge a toxic gas or secrete chemicals at the neck and head area which are absorbed through the skin. Some flea collars also prevent flea eggs and larvae from developing and contain what is called Insect Growth Regulator. Fleas like to congregate […]

Cat Health Dog Health

Is Medical Marijuana OK for Pets

In Colorado, U.S., both medicinal and recreational marijuana are legal. Humans can make the choice whether to use marijuana or not, but pets cannot. Most of the time pets are exposed to marijuana accidentally. Often people add marijuana to baked goods or other foods and carelessly leave these items within a dog’s reach. Cats are […]

Cat Health Dog Health

How Do Dogs and Cats Sweat

Dogs don’t sweat as we do. They cool their bodies by panting. Oxygen enters the body through the open mouth, cooling their bodies. The evaporation of moisture on the tongue helps to reduce body temperature. Dogs can also reduce body temperature by dilating their facial and ear blood vessels. This allows the blood vessels to […]

Cat Health

Keep Your Cat Hydrated

All living things on earth require water to survive. Although cats’ ancestors were desert creatures, they need to drink water to maintain body functions and good health. In the wild, cats would spray urine to mark their territories and to protect buried food. Water sources were impossible to mark, making cats very cautious when drinking. […]

Cat Health

Constipation in Cats

On average, cat have one or two bowel movements daily. A sign of constipation is when a cat strains to defecate and little, dry hard feces, watery feces or no feces result. Constipation can be due to an underlying condition such as a foreign object obstructing the colon, dehydration, medications, diet, injuries, a tumor and […]

Cat Health Dog Health

Can Pets Have Allergies to Penicillin?

Penicillin was discovered in 1928 by Scottish bacteriologist Alexander Fleming, It still plays a very important role treating all types of bacterial infections. Unfortunately, some humans have had allergic reactions to penicillin, some severe, even life-threatening. Today, amoxycillin, which is a derivative of penicillin, is the antibiotic of choice as it is better tolerated. Amoxycillin […]

Cancer Cat Health Dog Health

Basal Cell Tumors in Pets

A basal cell tumor is a slow-growing skin tumor found in the structures of the skin such as hair follicles and their subaceous and sweat glands. Basal cell tumors are more common in older cats and long-haired cats. They are less common in dogs where they are usually found on the head and neck. Basal […]

Cat Health

Health Issues with White Cats

White cats enjoy a special admiration because of their snowy coats that seem to sparkle. Their names often reflect their coloring and include Snowball, Caspar (for the ghost) and Puff (for powderpuffs). But along with their beauty, some problems can arise. They may have genetic defects caused by a deterioration of the inner ear. They […]

Cat Articles Cat Care Cat Health Dog Articles Dog Health

Caring for Your Pet’s Paws

Your cat’s and dog’s paws should be checked regularly, daily if they spend lots of time outdoors. If your pet limps, that’s a sure sign that something is wrong. Burrs or other foreign bodies can get stuck between toes. Sometimes they are so deeply embedded they are hard to see. These can be gently removed […]

Cat Health Dog Health

Zinc Toxicity in Pets

Zinc is an important mineral for both humans and animals to maintain good health. But zinc is necessary only in very small amounts. Ingestion of excessive amounts of zinc can lead to poisoning. Zinc becomes toxic when released by stomach acids. It is then absorbed and travels to other parts of the body such as […]