Cat Articles Cat Care Pet Safety

How do I prevent my cat from running out when the door opens?

This is a tough one. I was fortunate to have cats that weren’t interested in going out. They enjoyed sitting on the windowsill, watching all the activity, but that’s as far as they would go. There are some things you can try. When the door is about to be opened, throw a favorite toy in […]

Cat Articles Cat Care

Are Cats Happy Living Indoors?

There’s a long list of reasons for keeping a cat indoors. Cats allowed to go outdoors at will face many hazards – getting hit by a car, being stolen, injured fighting with other cats, dogs or other animals attacking them. And neighbors would not be pleased with a cat digging in their gardens or urinating […]

Cat Articles Cat Behavior Cat Care

General Cat Care

What are the best conditions to bring up a cat? Cat’s thrive in good climates. The temperature and the humidity should be fair, as cats are sensitive to heat. Cats have sweat glands on their feet, and lick their feet and chest in order to cool down. Longhair cats are more sensitive to the heat. […]

Cat Articles Cat Diseases

Feline Leukemia Virus

FeLV, Feline Leukemia Virus, is a deadly disease that affects domestic cats and some wild ones as well. There are 3 main types of FeLV, A, B and C. Infection of one, two or all three can occur in a cat. A is in all FeLV diagnosed cats. It results in a severly weakened immune […]

Cat Articles Cat Diseases

Feline Immunodeficiency Virus – FIV

FIV, Feline Immunodeficiency Virus, is very similar to the AIDS virus in humans. It attacks the immune system of a cat and hinders the cat’s ability to fight infections due to a lowered white blood cell count. However, it is not a death sentence. With proper care, most cats can live normal lives. Signs of […]

Adoption Cat Articles Dog Articles General Cat Articles General Dog Articles

Dogs vs. Cats

Some people are naturally “dog people” or “cat people,” meaning that they naturally gravitate to one or the other. Others may like both equally and be unsure which would make a better pet for them. This article analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of cats and dogs so you can make a decision based on your […]

Cat Articles Cat Products


There are many different types of litter to choose from. These days, most of them clump well and are an easy clean up. Choosing one depends on what you and your cat are comfortable with. You might want to try the new “green” litters. World’s Best Cat Litter (made from whole-kernel corn) and Swheat Scoop […]

Cat Articles Cat Products

Feeding and Water Bowls

There are countless varieties of bowls to choose from such as stainless steel, plastic, stoneware. However, plastic bowls are easily scratched and can harbor harmful bacteria. Double dishes, one for food and the other for water are also not a good idea. Food can get into the water dish and make it distasteful for your […]

Cat Articles Cat Health Cat Products

Cat Prebiotics: VIYO

Viyo is a prebiotic drink that helps to reinforce the natural resistance of cats and dogs. Viyo can be best compared with Actimel or Yakult for humans. As with humans, 70% of the natural defence system of a dog or cat is located in the intestines. Healthy intestinal functioning is therefore crucial to strong resistance. […]

Cat Articles Cat Products

Cat Collars and Leashes

Whether your cat lives indoors all the time or goes in and out, he should have a collar with a name tag and a bell. Don’t take chances with your kitty getting out accidentally. Even if your kitty has a chip, a collar and tag will let others know that kitty has a home. Breakaway […]