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Bringing Home Military Dogs
Robin R. Ganzert, President and CEO of the American Humane Association (AHA) reports that the U.S. Congress has passed the 2016 National Defense Authorization Act. This bill guarantees that all of America’s heroic military working dogs will be returned to the U.S. when retired. The bill also states that their human handlers and their families […]
Thailand spans widely varying geological and climactic zones, in which over 10 percent of the world’s animals live. It is home to more than 285 mammal species and 925 species of birds. Some of the animals native to Thailand are the White-Handed Gibbon, Dusky langur (also known as the leaf monkey) and the Mudskipper (a […]
Cruel Practice of Hounding
Hounding is a so-called “sport” using dogs with high-tech radio collars including GPS to chase and run down animals. With a portable receiver, the “hunter” just waits for the signal that the dogs have trapped the animal. The hunter follows the signal reaching the trapped animal and shoots it at point-blank range. Both the dogs […]