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ASPCA – Stop Horse Slaughter
The ASPCA along with other animal welfare organizations reminds us of the need to keep Congress and the White House aware that 80% of Americans oppose horse slaughter. It is urgent that you ask your Congressmen to pass the American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act. This legislation would achieve two things: it would prohibit the export […]
Hip Dysplasia
Hip Dysplasia occurs when there is a problem with the joining of the hip bone. The hip joint is a ball and socket and attaches the hind legs to the body of the dog. The ball is the femur head and the socket (acetabulum) is part of the pelvis. For ease of movement, the ball […]
Starting a No-Kill Program
Shelters for animals in some areas may be a misnomer. The figure given for the last 10 years for destroying shelter animals is 250,000,000. In 1991, that was the population of the United States. There are times when euthanasia is the kindest gift you can give an animal – when it is suffering with an […]