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Holiday Stressed Pets
As holidays approach we are more busy than usual. Shopping, preparing food, decorating, greeting guests, cleaning, just to mention some of the chores. Some of our pets view this as an exciting, happy time. Others are disturbed by all the activity. Our pets sense our excitement and all the stress we may feel and they […]
Pet Care Trust’s Pets in the Classroom Grant Program Sees Exceptional Growth
The Pet Care Trust is pleased to announce that its Pets in the Classroom program received over 7,000 requests for grants in the program’s first two years. Established by the Pet Care Trust in 2009, Pets in the Classroom provides grants to Pre-Kindergarten through Sixth grade teachers to purchase or adopt a new pet and […]
Glaucoma in Pets
Dogs and cats suffer from some of the same eye ailments that humans do. Glaucoma is one of those ailments. Glaucoma occurs with increased pressure due to the abnormal drainage of fluid. The fluid, call aqueous humor, is inside the eye, giving nourishment and helping to maintain the normal shape. Normally, the fluid drains into […]