Not all white cats are deaf. And white cats are not albino. Due to lack of pigmentation, an albino cat will have pink eyes and be sensitive to light. White cats have genes that carry color. But they have another gene that causes masking of the color. This means that all colors are covered or […]
Author: Rena
This is Rena. It's nice to meet you!

Safe Water for Frogs and Toads
Frogs and toads need enclosures that have both land and water. Both frogs and toads absorb water and oxygen through their skin. In order to maintain the good health of your pet, it’s very important to use the proper water. We get water from many different sources. House water comes from taps, bottles, wells, outdoor […]

Safe Plants and Woods for Rabbits & Guinea Pigs
The ASPCA offers lists of what rabbits and guinea pigs can and can’t eat. Here are some plants they CAN eat: Alfalfa, basil, borage, checkweed, coltsfoot, dandelion, goldenrod, green clover, groundsel, mallow, plantain, yarrow, asters, marigolds, nasturtiums, sunflowers and sweet peas. These are some plants that are toxic and they CANNOT eat: Buttercups, deadly nightshade, […]