The ASPCA along with other animal welfare organizations reminds us of the need to keep Congress and the White House aware that 80% of Americans oppose horse slaughter. It is urgent that you ask your Congressmen to pass the American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act. This legislation would achieve two things: it would prohibit the export of American horses to other countries for slaughter and it would completely ban horse slaughter for human consumption in the United States.
At present there are no commercial horse slaughterhouses open in the U.S. But the ASPCA warns us that proponents in New Mexico have already applied for government approval to open a horse slaughter facility there.
The ASPCA continues to work to prevent horse slaughter, but we the people must make our voices heard on Capitol Hill. We do not want our tax dollars to support horse slaughterhouses in the U.S.
Visit the ASPCA Advocacy Center online and email your U.S. Senators to either thank them for cosponsoring S1176 or asking them to cosponsor the bill and protect America’s horses.
The ASPCA also encourages calling the White House message line at 202-456-1111 and urge the Obama administration to stop horse slaughter.
Here’s what the ASPCA advises us to say: “Please use your power to prevent any horse slaughterhouses from opening in the U.S. and to prevent the slaughter of our horses in other countries. Horses are not raised for food. This industry is cruel to horses and endangers consumers who are eating a toxic product.”
Please help now!
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