January 6, 2014
With the U.S. Senate passage of spending bill FY 2014, no horse slaughter facilities in the U.S. will be allowed to open in 2014.
Senior Vice President of ASPCA Relations, Nancy Perry, said the following: “The message from Capitol Hill is loud and clear on this issue: Our horses deserve better and this abhorrent industry will not be tolerated.”
Ms. Perry went on to thank members of Congress “…for recognizing that using taxpayer dollars to fund the inhumane horse slaughter industry is reckless and wasteful.”
However the bill does not include export of horses for slaughter to Canada and Mexico. The battle has been won but the war goes on. The ASPCA tells us that in 2013, more than 160,000 American horses were victims of this grisly, foreign industry that produces unsafe, drug-tainted meat.
We the people can end this horror by urging Congress to pass the Safeguard American Food Exports (SAFE) Act (S.541/H.R.1094) that will permanently end the current export of American horses for slaughter abroad. Please act now and politely ask your Congressional representatives to make the SAFE Act the law of the land.