National and religious holidays are a cause of celebration but can also be dangerous to your pet’s well-being. It is important to think about pet safety when organizing festivities and to make sure your pet doesn’t become stressed by the crowds and the noise.
Animal welfare organizations have created many holidays relating to pets, in order to spread awareness of certain issues. These holidays are often celebrated by pet owners as well as by schoolchildren. They are a great opportunity to volunteer some time to work for a cause or to pamper your pet just a little bit more.
Holiday articles:
- ASPCA – April is Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month
- Adopt a Black Pet Day
- Adopt a Less Adoptable Pet Week
- April – Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month
- Bringing Your Dog to a Picnic
- Buying Gifts for Pets
- Calendar-Oct.,Nov.,Dec. 2012
- Celebrate Animals in March
- Celebrate National Dog Biscuit Day
- Celebrate Penguin Awareness Day
- Celebrate Valentine’s Day with Your Pet
- Celebrate World Animal Day October 4th
- Chinese New Year and Animals
- Chinese and Vietnamese New Year
- Christmas and Chanukah Pet Safety
- Earth Day
- Easter Pet Safety
- Easter Pets: Are They A Good Idea?
- February’s Spay Day
- February is National Pet Dental Health Month
- Giving Pets as Gifts
- Groundhogs and Their Day
- Halloween Pet Obesity Leads To Pet Arthritis
- Halloween Pet Safety
- Happy Cat Month
- Holiday Gifts for Your Pet
- Holiday Stressed Pets
- How do I keep my pet safe at holidays?
- International Polar Bear Day
- Jan./Feb. 2012 Pet Holidays
- July 4th Pet Safety
- June is Adopt a Shelter Cat Month
- K9 Veterans Day
- Largest Hen’s Egg in the World
- Legends of the Easter Bunny
- Love Your Pet Day
- National Animal Shelter Appreciation Week
- National Bird Day
- National Cat Day, October 29th
- National Dress Up Your Pet Day
- National Feral Cat Day
- National Mutt Day
- National Pet Holidays in October, November, December
- National Pet Month
- National Pet Sitters Week
- National Poison Prevention Week
- National Veterinarian Day
- New Year’s Resolutions for Pet Care
- November is Adopt A Senior Pet Month
- October: Adopt a Shelter Dog Month
- Passover Foods for Pets
- Pet Calendar of Events – 2014
- Pet Holidays-July/Aug./Sept/ 2012
- Pet Holidays-March, April, May, June
- Pet Holidays in May/June
- Pet Safe Valentine’s Day
- Remedies For Pet Obesity During The Holidays
- Saint Patrick’s Day
- Take Your Dog to Work Day
- The Top 10 Coolest Animal Dads
- World Cat Day
- World Dog Show
- World Pet Memorial Day