Here is a letter from the ASPCA explaining what you can do to stop this horrendous practice. Please join the ASPCA in helping horses.
Dear Animal Advocates,
On May 5, a thoroughbred named I’ll Have Another won the 138th Kentucky Derby. This Saturday is the Preakness, and the Belmont Stakes takes place in three weeks. It’s Triple Crown season, and at no other time of year does the American public pay more attention to the seemingly glamorous world of horse racing.
This year, the racing industry is getting more media exposure than ever—but for a reason it’s not proud of. Several recent investigations have revealed the pervasive, abusive practice of drugging racehorses. An eyebrow-raising assortment of performance-enhancing and pain-masking drugs, including everything from steroids to cobra venom, enable horses to perform beyond their physical limitations and often result in catastrophic injuries and horrific deaths.
Now before Congress, the federal Interstate Horseracing Improvement Act (H.R. 1733/S. 886) would address this horrific practice by prohibiting the “doping” of racehorses and creating strong, across-the-board penalties for violators. Racehorses need our protection—it’s time to stop abusers before they even get out of the starting gate.
What You Can Do
Visit the ASPCA Advocacy Center online right now to learn more about this issue and to quickly email your U.S. representative and senators. Urge them to cosponsor H.R. 1733/S. 886, or to thank them for standing up for racehorses if they have already done so.
On behalf of the horses, thank you for your help!