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Tips to prevent your dog being stolen
Dogs are stolen for different reasons – in order to claim a reward for safe return, to be sold on to buyers who don’t care where their dog came from, and some may be stolen to use as breeding stock. Like car thieves, dog-nappers tend to target specific types of dogs. Fashionable breeds e.g. Chihuahuas […]
Highlights in History of Veterinary Medicine
Veterinary medicine has a long history dating back to at least 9000 BCE. Sheepherders, although not veterinarians, used their crude medical skills to treat their animals. Translated hieroglyphs from 4000 to 3000 BCE show that Egyptians, with their more advanced knowledge of medicine, treated and maintained the health of their domestic animals. Sanskrit texts (the […]
Why Dog Urine Kills Grass
You’ve put a lot of time and effort into making your lawn picture perfect. Along comes your dog (or the neighbor’s pup) and urinates on the grass, leaving a good-size yellow or brown spot. That hurts. Female dogs contribute more to the problem as they squat in one place. Males lift their leg and tend […]