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ALERT – Dental Sure
ALERT – Dental Sure, a mouth rinse or spray for dogs and cats has proven harmful to dogs. Although not listed on the label of ingredients, it contains Xylitol, an artificial sweetener that is lethal to dogs in very small doses. A package of Tic Tacs which contains xylitol, can kill a 65 lb. dog. […]
What to Do When Dogs Fight
Dogs often take a dislike to each other for no apparent reason, at least none that humans are aware of. Dogs that live together and otherwise are friends will sometimes fight over food or a toy or just an invasion of space when they don’t want to be disturbed. Hopefully some of these tips will […]
Choosing a Pet Boarding Facility
Are you one of those pet owners who always feels bad to leave your pet behind with Aunt Molly when you are away? Are you never satisfied with the person who is looking after your pet? Are you always frantic to get home and see if your dog is healthy? If this sounds familiar to […]