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News – Missouri’s Prop B
The HSUS, ASPCA and Best Friends Animal Sanctuary believe a compromise reached by 2 Missouri animal welfare groups and puppy mill associations does not adequately protect breeding dogs and their puppies. The new language is vague and unclear, weakening the proposals in Prop B. Prop B – breeding females rest at least every 3rd cycle. […]
Recipes for Cats with Diabetes
Cats with diabetes should be fed a low-carbohydrate diet. After changing your cat’s diet, you will need to consult your vet about the possibility of lowering his insulin dosage so you don’t end up with a hypoglycemic crisis. All drastic diet changes should be made in consultation with a vet. Squashed Turkey 1/2 Cup Chicken […]
Rabbit Pasteurella
Rabbit Pasteurella, known as snuffles, is a serious upper respiratory disease that requires the quick attention of a veterinarian. Snuffles is caused by Pasteurella multocida, a bacteria. Although many rabbits may be carriers, it does not cuase any problems in those whose immune systems are healthy and can fight off most infections. But rabbits with […]