Petfinder.com is sponsoring an Adopt a Less Adoptable Pet Week, September 17th – 25th. Their theme is “Don’t hate me because I’m……….(fill in the blank) Adopt me because I need you.”
And there are any number of pets in shelters waiting for adoption. If you are ready to invite another pet into your home, consider one of these.
People tend to overlook Senior pets, but they can still give many years of joy. The advantage to adopting a senior is that they are already trained and they are very accepting of any changes in their lives.
Pets with black fur are also unpopular. But they’re no different from any other color pet. And they are just as loving and loyal as their lighter-coated cousins.
Pets who are blind or deaf adjust to these “disabilities” amazingly well. Remember that pets don’t consider them disabilities and learn very quickly with a little patience and schooling for you.
Large dogs are also on the bottom of the list. Large dogs don’t necessarily need lots of room. They can live in apartments with an exercise routine that’s good for them and good for you.
Certain so-called “bully breeds” have been unfairly labeled. My pit bull, Murphy is the most loving dog I’ve ever shared my life with. She loves everyone. Equally loving was my Angel Timo, a rottweiler.
Sometimes people avoid shy pets, but with a little love and the proper training, these pets learn that not all humans are unkind. My daughter adopted a dachshund/whippet mix who lived in several homes. The last home returned him to the pound because he was “too shy.” Needless to say, “shy” Pretzel, besides being a lover, runs to welcome all to his home.
If you are thinking of another pet, please consider adopting one of these loving animals. Celebrate Adopt a Less Adoptable Pet Week all year. All they ask for is kindness and people to share their love with.