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Overcoming Fear of Dogs in Children
Many children have a fear of dogs. While being wary around dogs make sense, children who are extremely frightened of dogs may have a hard time going to the park or visiting a friend who has a dog. Fear of dogs is sometimes triggered by an event, such as a dog jumping on a child […]
African Striped Grass Mouse
Also known as Zebra mice, they can be found in North Africa. These small creatures have light brown, brindle or striped coats with a black stripe from the head to the tail tip. Creamy circles surround their black eyes. Life span is about 3 years. A large glass aquarium with a secure mesh top is […]
Parrots make particularly amusing pets. The Parrot Family is quite large, the smallest being the Parrotlet and the largest is the Macaw, with all sizes and colors in between. Most parrots can be taught many words and even sentences. With patience, they learn to obey commands and do tricks. Some bond to one person while […]