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Do Pets Change Your Style
Having pets does change your lifestyle somewhat. Setting up your house, going out, even staying in, vacations. Here are some ways your life can be different. Your pets seem to have a built-in clock. They won’t let you sleep one minute past the time for morning feeding. Or the time for that last walk at […]
Neurological Problems in Pets
Following is a list of some of the neurological problems pets can face. Wobbler’s Syndrome Encephalitis (brain infection) Stroke – Caused by bleeding into the brain Brain Tumors and Abcesses Muscular Dystrophy – Progressive degeneration of skeletal muscles Degenerative Myelopathy – Progressive loss of coordination beginning in hind quarters, resulting eventually in paralysis Necrotic Myelopathy […]
Resiniferatoxin for Cancer
Resiniferatoxin is made from the sap of a Moroccan cactus-like plant. It is a plant that contains the chemical that makes chile peppers hot. Researchers have tested resiniferatoxin (RTX) on dogs suffering with the severe pain of osteosarcoma. The chemical destroyed the pain-sensing nerves that control a type of heat-related inflammatory pain although it has […]