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Protect Your Horse From Sunburn
Some horses, especially those with pink skin, can suffer painful sunburns which produce blisters around the eyes, muzzle, lips, flanks and sheath. Appaloosas, Paints, Pintos, horses with white or pale markings are more prone to sunburn distress. Melanin, the pigment that protects skin from sunburn, is absent in pink-skinned horses. Sunburn can also lead to […]
The Zoos’ Dilemma
These days, zoos have to make difficult choices as to which species that are in danger of extinction they will help survive. With the economy in trouble and with less room for zoos to house the increasing number of wild animals, zoo officials are forced to make these choices. At one time zoo animals lived […]
Vital Signs in Dogs and Cats
It’s very important for pet people to know the normal vital signs of their pets. In case of illness or emergency, the more information you have, the better able your veterinarian will be to treat your pet. Dogs The normal heart rate for dogs is between 70-160 beat per minute. Respiration for dogs is 10-30 […]